Thursday, April 23, 2009

the top 5 things that i hate!!

Ok so i guess you could say that im steeling a blog idea from lu but im sure that she wont mind.

1. Stupid people: Because when i got to taco bell drive thru and i ask for a fork the dumb bitch looks at me like i have three heads!! YOU KNOW BITCH A FORK! ITS A UTENSEL THAT YOU EAT YOUR FOOD WITH. A FORK YOU DUMB CUNT!!-dumbass

2. People who think that they r better than me: Yes you are the size of a toothpick. GOOD FUCKIN FOR YOU. But see unlike you i can eat more than a carrot and not b full so if thats what bein skinny is like im sorry but you can keep it cuz i dont want it.- SKINNY BITCH

3. Young girls who think that they r ready to be a mother: Listen hunnie you are 13-14 yrs old. YOU ARE NOT ready for a baby. You cant even take care of youself. you dont have a job and your sleepin with ne1 and every1 just to get pregnant. You still a child yourself and you dont need to bring a child into this world that you cant take care of.- GROW UP

4. Aborotion: Why would you wanna MURDER a innocent child. If you didnt want to b a mother then you should'nt have opened your legs and gotten pregnant. Now if you were raped or the baby was deformed or somehting lik that i can understand. But for thoes of you who do it just cuz yoiu dont want a baby your stupid!! To quote Jim Carey in HORTON HEARS A WHO " A PERSON IS A PERSON NO MATTER HOW SMALL"- murders

5. PEOPLE WHO TALK ON THEIR CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING: All i got to say is GET OFF YOU PHONE YOU DUMBASS. Pay attention im driving here you almost hit me you jackass!!!-GET OFF YOUR DAMN PHONE!!

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